Average of 2 months to year to heal.
- WHEN at any time there is any scabbing on the jewelry, use Q-tips soaked with warm/hot water to soften it up and then wipe it away.
- Avoid submerging the piercing in unhygienic bodies of water such as lakes, pools, hot tubs, etc., OR protect your piercing using a wound-sealant bandage.
- A hard, vented eyepatch (sold at pharmacies) can be applied under tight clothing (such as nylon stockings) or secured using a length of ace bandage around the body (to avoid irritation from adhesive). This can protect the area from restrictive clothing, excess irritation, and impact during physical activities such as contact sports.
- INFECTION is from touching the piercing with dirty fingers, not getting all the soap out, or submerging in water without a waterproof bandage.
- Never use Neosporin, alcohol, or anything similar?